In order to understand the ENFJ, first thing you need to do is understand their four main functions.

ENFJ Functions

Extraverted Feeling

The first function of the ENFJ is known as Extraverted Feeling or Fe. This is their primary way of taking in the world. They want to understand people’s emotions and what everyone’s feeling. They’re very good at empathizing with others and really understanding where they’re coming from as well as assessing the mood of the situation and knowing how everyone feels in that environment. And they’re also very good at changing the mood when they want to bring it up or make the atmosphere more positive.

Introverted Intuition

The second function of an ENFJ is what is known as Introverted Intuition or Ni. This function is more internal. It is their inner sense of how they believe things are going to play out. Ni is almost like a gut feeling. It may appear to others to be a little bit mystical because it’s very good at seeing how events will play out. This gives them the ability to accurately predict the future at times. Since this function is introverted, they might have a hard time explaining this to other people. Regardless, an ENFJ that comes to trust this introverted intuition will see it as a way to help them make decisions.

Extraverted Sensing

The third function of the ENFJ is Extraverted Sensing or Se. This is developed a bit later in the ENFJ’s life.
Extraverted Sensing involves taking in the world primarily through your five senses, as well as living in the current moment. An ENFJ with developed Se can become very in tune with how others are feeling through body language, as well as seize opportunities to make an impact at the perfect time. Since Ni deals more with the future, Se can be good at just letting that aspect go and living in the present.

Introverted Thinking

The ENFJ’s fourth function is Introverted Thinking or Ti. This function is never really becomes a strength for the ENFJ because it conflicts with their Extraverted Feeling and more personal view of the world.
Ti wants to break down logic and understand the world and how everything works. This by nature makes it more of a detached function. Introverted Thinking wants to develop an internal framework of how things work. An ENFJ can see this Introverted Thinking come out when they are stressed, or spread too thin. They may want to take some time to sort out what is truly important in their life and make decisions that will help them to grow as a person.


ENFJ Strengths

One of the strengths of the ENFJ is that they have very good communication skills. They’re very good at talking with and understanding others. They are great with people and great communicators. They are also very motivational and inspirational. Many ENFJs are found in the field of motivational speakers and being leaders in an area that people need to be inspired to take action.
ENFJs are also very loyal and committed. They want to be helpful to the people that they are closest to as well as be there for them. They are supportive and want to help the people they are close to grow as a person.
ENFJs also strive for “win-win” situations. ENFJs care about others as much as, if not more, than themselves. They generally dislike making decisions that doesn’t help everyone involved.
The ENFJ is also very driven to meet others needs. They almost intuitively know what people are feeling and what they can do to make them feel better, inspire them, or improve their mood.

ENFJ Weaknesses

And now, while every type has their strengths every type also does have a few weaknesses. One weakness could be that they can become overprotective and somewhat overwhelming with people that they’re close to.
They have a very caring nature and are very giving, but sometimes they can be a little too much for some people looking for some personal space.
ENFJ might have a hard time understanding that others don’t want them always to be there. It’s nothing personal against the ENFJ, just that some people need time to sort their own issues out themselves.
Another potential weakness is that the ENFJ can neglect their own needs. While ENFJ’s always trying to help out, this could lead to some internal problems with themselves because their first priority is to help other people. Their needs might not be met and they might neglect this, which can cause some health issues or additional problems.
ENFJs can have a tendency to be controlling or manipulative. ENFJs naturally excel at understanding other people’s emotions and influencing the situation. They tend to want to do what is best. However, sometimes what they think is best might not truly be what the situation needs. An ENFJ is very skilled in this area, and would be wise to make sure that they are interpreting situations and motives correctly, to make sure what they are doing is for good.
They may also tend to blame themselves too much for a situation. If a relationship fails, they might think it is their own fault instead of seeing what happened objectively. Many relationships change or grow apart over time, and it is best for the ENFJ to just accept it as a part of life instead of putting it on their shoulders.
ENFJs may also not give themselves enough credit when things are going well. ENFJs are great at bringing people together and inspiring others. Sometimes this can go unnoticed. An ENFJ would benefit greatly from taking time to realize their accomplishments and take pride in them.

ENFJ Under Stress

When ENFJs are under stress they go into what is known as their shadow functions. This causes them to behave in the opposite way of how they traditionally would. This mode can cause them become very critical and find faults in all situation.
If they’re in a situation where if something is not going the way they want, they become critical and bring down the mood of the environment. During these times, they can think that everything is going wrong and point out illogical reasons and facts to support their case.
Also, when the ENFJ is under stress, they can start to do things to excess whether it’s drinking, over eating, drugs, gambling or anything that can be considered reckless behavior, which typically goes against the ENFJs desire to be organized and methodical.
They also have a tendency to ignore other’s feelings during this time, which is obviously completely against how they typically behave.
The ENFJ may also find themself searching or asking for too much useless information. This is an example of their inferior Introverted Thinking coming out. The stressed ENFJ might want everything to logically make sense and sort things out. This may cause them to search for more information before ever taking action, leading to a bit of an analysis paralysis. This goes against the ENFJs typically proactive behavior.

ENFJ People


Erasmus of Rotterdam: Renaissance humanist

Nelson Mandela: President of South Africa and civil rights activist

Cicero: Roman statesman

Martin Luther King, Jr.: U.S. civil rights activist


Alfred Adler: Psychologist, student of Freud


 John Paul II: Pope


Oprah Winfrey, Talk show host


Morgan Freeman, Actor


Bono, Singer (U2) and humanitarian activist


Reese Witherspoon, Actress


Kate Winslet, Actress


Jennifer Lawrence, Actress


Dakota Fanning, Actress


Emma Stone, Actress


Michael Moore, Filmmaker

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