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MBTI Types











































































In order to understand the ESTP, you must first understand their four main functions.

ESTP Functions

Extraverted Sensing

The ESTP thrives on living in the moment. They take in the world through their five senses, and always know how to act and adjust in order to get their point across. They are the “daredevil” types. They like to live on the edge and chase after that adrenaline rush.
Extraverted Sensing is very good at reading “cues” and acting upon them. The ESTP can see an “edge” in a situation, and do whatever they can to take it.


Introverted Thinking

The second function of the ESTP is Introverted Thinking (Ti). The ESTP loves to live in the moment, but they also take time to reflect and think things through. They desire for their world to make logical sense. The ESTP is very good at understanding and repairing physical items. They can become good handymen and figure out ways to repair their own cars and appliances. They may have a tendency to take “shortcuts” with these repairs, however.


In order to understand the ESFP, you must first understand their four main functions.

ESFP Functions

Extraverted Sensing

Extraverted Sensing (Se) is the main function of the ESFP. The ESFP uses this function to understand and observe the outer world. They take in the world primarily through their five senses: touch, feel, see, taste, and hear. The ESFP is constantly scanning their environment. They can easily size up a situation and see where the strengths and weaknesses are. They live very much “in the moment” which can upset many other people that feel the ESFPs life should be more organized. The reality is, the ESFP is confident in their ability to “go with the flow” and they feel like they can get themselves out of any potential “trouble” they might get themselves in.

The ESFP also likes to “push their limits” to see just how far away they can get with something. The ESFP is a type to have the philosophy “it’s easier to say sorry, than it is to get permission.” And because of their curious nature, they are constantly apolozing for their actions. But they have enough charm to keep most people from being mad at them for very long.

Introverted Feeling

The second function of the ESFP is Introverted Feeling (Fi). Introverted Feeling tends to be developed as the ESFP hits their mid-teen age. The ESFP can begin to introspect and reflect on feelings and their own personal values toward people and institutions. The ESFP can develop a strong sense of “right and wrong” that they believe is important to them. They can hold steady to believes and friendships that are close to them. The ESFP can develop loyalty and a sense of “purpose” for their life. The ESFPs nature to “do first, think later” can cause them to do things that might violate their Introverted Feeling. This can cause them to feel bad later and possibly regret some of their actions.



ISTP Functions

Introverted Thinking

The first function of the ISTP is Introverted Thinking. Introverted Thinking deals with sorting out information and observations logically. The ISTP wants the world to make sense, and spends a great deal of time thinking about how and why things work the way they do.  Introverted Thinking is very good at forming an internal framework of things and building a working “system” or “web” of logic that can be taken and readily adapted to many new interests. They are good “problem solvers” and take in many facts and details to help form a more complete picture of a situation.

Extraverted Sensing

The second function of the ISTP is Extraverted Sensing. Extraverted Sensing is more about living in the moment and taking in details through the five senses. The ISTP uses this function to gather information about their environment. They ISTP is also attracted to things that test their physical limitations. You can see some of them in extreme sports and other adrenaline pumping events.
Extraverted Sensing helps the ISTP to get more information about the world. An ISTP that underuses this function may come to incorrect conclusions about things because they haven’t experienced enough data and events to form a better picture.



ISFP Functions

Introverted Feeling

The first function of the ISFP is introverted feeling. Introverted Feeling deals with emotions and their own inner world. Introverted Feeling sorts things into what feels right and what feels wrong. The ISFP has a strong attachment to their inner world and tend to have an internal compass about how to live life. The ISFP might seem to live a very care-free life to many onlookers, but they actually take live very seriously and are very passionate, even if it is not readily shown externally.

Extraverted Sensing

The ISFP uses Extraverted Sensing to help understand and take in the world around them. The ISFP can be very perceptive of their 5 senses as well as body language of those around them. The ISFP enjoys new and exciting experiences that help get them out of their head and more in the real world. They can take up hobbies like dancing and painting to help express themselves more. They are firm believers that their actions speak louder than words. They can be hard to read sometimes when someone is not as perceptive.


In order to understand the ESFJ, you must first understand their 4 main functions.

ESFJ Functions

Extraverted Feeling

The ESFJs primary function is Extraverted Feeling. The ESFJ primarily sees the world through others emotions. The ESFJ is able to navigate the world of feelings and is very good at giving others what they want or need to feel appreciated. The ESFJ also uses Extraverted Feeling to understand their environment and people’s roles in them. An ESFJ typical wants everyone to be happy and content. They typically can help make everyone feel wanted and welcome at parties or family gatherings. Sometimes, this function can lead to them feeling overwhelmed or lead to them feeling exhausted from spreading themselves too thin. However, being in an environment with other caring and giving people will help everyone feel more content.

Introverted Sensing

The second function of the ESFJ is introverted sensing. Introverted sensing deals with referring to past events and information to help create a better understanding and view of the world. Introverted Sensing deal with facts, data recollection and memory. Someone with introverted sensing can remember specific important events distinctly. They can use this information to understand how to deal with a new situation. Introverted Sensing is also connected to tradition and pastimes. The ESFJ can become very involved around the holidays and other nostalgic events that they have grown up with.


In order to understand the ESTJ Personality, you must first understand their four main functions

ESTJ Functions

Extraverted Thinking

Extraverted Thinking is the main function of the ESTJ. This is the lens that the ESTJ primarily sees the world. Extraverted Thinking wants to bring logical order to the world and external environment. Extraverted Thinking sees little use for the abstract and things that are not definable or measurable. If necessary, Extraverted Thinking will find a way to concretely measure something.
Extraverted Thinking is very good at organizing people, processes, and plans into an executable format. The ESTJ will tend to “organize out loud” to people around them. The ESTJ is very good at taking things step-by-step and focusing on the current task at hand.

Introverted Sensing

The second function of the ESTJ is Introverted Sensing. Introverted Sensing measures current situations against how they have played out in the past. Introverted Sensing keeps tabs of past information. It uses this past information to “know” whether something is right or wrong.
ESTJs are very good at understanding how things work and the important details involved. They can use this to their advantage as they become more and more experienced. ESTJs have been known to work very well in a hierarchical workplace or environmental. They are the type that will “pay their dues” in order to reach more Senior positions. “That’s just how things work” is a phrase than was most likely coined by an ESTJ. This way of thinking can be frustrating to more abstract thinkers and perceiving types.



ISFJ Functions

Introverted Sensing

The first function of the ISFJ is Introverted Sensing. Introverted Sensing deals with the past and the way things have always been. Introverted Sensing deals with tradition and pastimes. The ISFJ can have strong emotional ties to holidays, traditions, and other nostalgic events. The ISFJ can be found being the hardest worker during holidays, believing its their duty to bring everyone together and make them happy and comfortable.

Extraverted Feeling

The second function of the ISFJ is Extraverted Feeling. Extraverted Feeling deals with understanding the emotional world, people’s feelings, and the roles they fit in. Extraverted Feeling is said to be the most empathic function. They can feel others emotions strongly and have a need and desire to comfort them.  The ISFJ is also very good at serving others and providing hospitality. They excel in caretaker roles, personal assistants, and also make very supportive and loving parents.


To understand the INFJ, first we’ll have to understand their four main functions.

INFJ Functions

Introverted Intuition

 The first primary function of an INFJ is Introverted Intuition or Ni. This is basically their internal way of seeing the world. It can be hard to explain to others, but it is essentially an internal sense of where they believe plans are going, or certain reactions that they expect in situations. It can be a bit mystical to others. It can sometimes predict the future very accurately but sometimes the INFJ can have trouble explaining their reasoning to other people.

Extraverted Feeling

The INFJs second function is Extraverted Feeling or Fe. This is their external way of primarily dealing with the world. The INFJ is very good at understanding other people’s feelings, motives, and just where others are coming from. They are very good at empathizing with other people and understanding other people. They may also be able to sense others emotions before that person does and react accordingly. The INFJs use this Extraverted Feeling and with their Introverted Intuition to help shape their world views.

Introverted Thinking

Something that is developed a little bit later on in the INFJs life is their Introverted Thinking or Ti. This is more of an internal logical framework about how things work and how the world works in it. This function works together with Ni to form their inner structure of how they see and interpret things. Ti is almost like a blueprint that they learn and develop later on in their life. It can be useful in separating the personal emotions from a situation and making a more logical analysis of the event.

Extraverted Sensing

Their fourth function is Extraverted Sensing or Se. This one is developed a lot later in life and never really becomes a dominate function because it goes against their first function of Introverted Intuition. Extraverted Sensing involves interpreting situations in the moment and being present and aware of your surroundings. This a bit of a weaker function so it could come out during stress. If they are in a bad situation, they become more impulsive and louder than they normally act.


ISTJ Functions

Introverted Sensing

The first function of the ISTJ is Introverted Sensing. The ISTJ uses Introverted Sensing to recall and remember facts, processes, and how things are typically done. The ISTJ is very attached to tradition and pastimes. Introverted Sensing tends to form strong memories, and can use them to understand how the future will be. Introverted Sensing is also good at remembering rules, ways of doing things, and how they should be done. This makes them very good in fields like accounting, finance, law, and other fields with strict rules and regulations.

Extraverted Thinking

The second function of the ISTJ is Extraverted Thinking. The ISTJ uses these functions to organize thoughts, ideas, and people. They are very good at understanding the sequential steps needed to complete an idea. They can readily organize the information that is presented to them and use it to help come to a conclusion or decision. The ISTJ likes to come to conclusions about things and tends to get annoyed with or discard ambiguous information that doesn’t help lead them to a decision.


In order to understand the INFP, you must first understand their four main functions.

INFP Functions

Introverted Feeling

The first function of the INFP is Introverted Feeling, which is basically their internal sense of how they feel about things and what they believe is right or wrong. It is like a moral compass that guides them and most of their decisions. It is also introverted so it’s not as easily expressed outwardly. Other people might not see it as much as the INFP feels it. Introverted Feeling deals with right and wrong. Most things an INFP experiences are usually sorted into these categories. INFPs are drawn toward people, causes, and things that they identify with. Similarly, they tend to want to avoid what they don’t want to be a part of.

Extraverted Intuition

Their second function is Extraverted Intuition, or Ne, which involves understanding the outside world and seeing possibilities. Ne can interpret the world from multiple perspectives. The function allows the INFP to get in other people’s shoes and see where they are coming from. This can help them to be less judgmental of other and really grasp how different other’s lifestyles are. Extraverted Intuition is what INFPs used to take in information externally. This function also gives them like offbeat sense of humor. They see the world from a different perspective than most people, which can lead to some witty connections.

Introverted Sensing

An INFP develops this third function of Introverted Sensing, or Si, a bit later in life. Introverted Sensing wants the world to have a routine and a predictable set of outcomes. Si is great at remembering facts and details. INFPs that have developed their Si may become very good at routine tasks or identify very strongly with traditions and old friends. This Si can create a sense of nostalgia in the INFP. Their Extraverted Intuition and Introverted Sensing may clash in a way that the INFP wants everything to change and stay the same.

Extraverted Thinking

Next is Extraverted Thinking, or Te, which is something that the INFP isn’t exactly strong at but it can be developed later in life. It involves wanting to organize the external environment outside of themselves.
This can show up a lot in their work settings by either managing people or having a task that they need to get done. Extraverted Thinking deals with developing a step-by-step logical process of how things can be done. An INFP in a work environment may embrace this function and look more like an ESTJ. Te is one of the most used functions in most work settings, so the INFP may have an almost chameleon-like attitude at work that helps them to get done what needs to be taken care of.


In order to understand the ENFJ, first thing you need to do is understand their four main functions.

ENFJ Functions

Extraverted Feeling

The first function of the ENFJ is known as Extraverted Feeling or Fe. This is their primary way of taking in the world. They want to understand people’s emotions and what everyone’s feeling. They’re very good at empathizing with others and really understanding where they’re coming from as well as assessing the mood of the situation and knowing how everyone feels in that environment. And they’re also very good at changing the mood when they want to bring it up or make the atmosphere more positive.

Introverted Intuition

The second function of an ENFJ is what is known as Introverted Intuition or Ni. This function is more internal. It is their inner sense of how they believe things are going to play out. Ni is almost like a gut feeling. It may appear to others to be a little bit mystical because it’s very good at seeing how events will play out. This gives them the ability to accurately predict the future at times. Since this function is introverted, they might have a hard time explaining this to other people. Regardless, an ENFJ that comes to trust this introverted intuition will see it as a way to help them make decisions.

Extraverted Sensing

The third function of the ENFJ is Extraverted Sensing or Se. This is developed a bit later in the ENFJ’s life.
Extraverted Sensing involves taking in the world primarily through your five senses, as well as living in the current moment. An ENFJ with developed Se can become very in tune with how others are feeling through body language, as well as seize opportunities to make an impact at the perfect time. Since Ni deals more with the future, Se can be good at just letting that aspect go and living in the present.

Introverted Thinking

The ENFJ’s fourth function is Introverted Thinking or Ti. This function is never really becomes a strength for the ENFJ because it conflicts with their Extraverted Feeling and more personal view of the world.
Ti wants to break down logic and understand the world and how everything works. This by nature makes it more of a detached function. Introverted Thinking wants to develop an internal framework of how things work. An ENFJ can see this Introverted Thinking come out when they are stressed, or spread too thin. They may want to take some time to sort out what is truly important in their life and make decisions that will help them to grow as a person.



In order to understand the ENFP you have to know their four main functions.

ENFP Functions

Extraverted Intuition

The first function of the ENFP is Extraverted Intuition or Ne and this is basically how the ENFP sees the world. It’s through their Extraverted Intuition which is good at being objective and seeing multiple possibilities and understanding other people’s point of view. It understands where others are coming from and sees both sides of the coin. This also gives them a good grasp of the big picture as well. They can come to conclusions that other people might have a hard time drawing. Ne also gives ENFPs an off the wall sense of humor in a way that other people might not understand and might see as quirky or goofy.

Introverted Feeling

Next is Introverted Feeling or Fi. This is more internal. This gives the ENFP their moral structure and forms their own internal beliefs of what they believe is right and wrong and how things should be. It’s their own internal convictions and since this is introverted it can be hard for them to explain to others. While they could be having strong feelings internally, some others might not see that. And sometimes when they get stressed out they may become uncharacteristically strong about these and outwardly try to express them, which might shock some other people that they’re close to. But they can come out when they’re feeling a little overwhelmed about their feelings versus wanting to accommodate people. It could cause some conflict. 

Extraverted Thinking

Extraverted Thinking, or Te, is developed a little bit later in the ENFPs life. This is basically like how they organize the world externally. They want things to be more structured and they get better at directing people or getting people into roles that they feel they’d be best in. Te is working towards making sure things happen.

Introverted Sensing

The ENFPs fourth function is Introverted Sensing or Si. Now, since this is their fourth function, it never really becomes a strength for the ENFP. It’s something that appears from time to time. Basically it’s their way of wanting things to remain the same or have a routine. This can stress out the ENFP sometimes. If you look at their main function ,Extraverted Intuition, it wants things to change and wants to see new possibilities. You can see how it conflicts with Introverted Sensing. Introverted Sensing can come out in negative ways a bit because while the ENFP’s always searching for change sometimes Introverted Sensing can want stability and want things to be predictable. So there can be a constant battle over this.


To understand the ENTP first you need to know their four main functions.

ENTP Functions

Extraverted Intuition

The first function of the ENTP is Extraverted Intuition or Ne. And this is how they perceive the world. They can take in multiple different possibilities. They’re very kind of objective about how they view things and like to see interpretations from everyone’s point of view. This can help them really see the big picture and make connections that other people might not be able to comprehend as quickly. Extraverted Intuition also gives them a little bit of an off the wall sense of humor.

Introverted Thinking

Next is Introverted Thinking or Ti. This is more internal. It’s logical and they want things to make sense. So they are constantly sorting out their environment and figuring out what make sense. They take this and piece it all together and form a web or a framework in their head of how everything works. And since this is Introverted, it’s a little difficult for them to explain to other people so while they form all these logical maps in their head it might be difficult to explain to other people.

Extraverted Feeling

The ENTPs third function is Extraverted Feeling or Fe. This is developed a little bit later in the ENTPs life. And it deals with emotions, empathy and understanding people. As they get older they become better at understanding emotions of other people. This can go long way which toward developing a charismatic personality. They also become good at knowing the right things to say and what to do and to get the reaction that they want out of people.

Introverted Sensing

And their fourth function is Introverted Sensing or Si. This is something that’s never really completely developed in the ENTP. It never becomes a strength for ENTP but they do have it. It deals with the past and remembering things. It deals with routine, norms, and society. But you could see that this kinda conflicts with the ENTP always wanting to try something new. The ENTP tends to get turned off by routine so Extraverted Intuition and Introverted Sensing are kind of in conflict with each other at times. Introverted Sensing can also show up a bit more when they are stressed out.


In order to understand the ENTJ, you need to know their four functions.

ENTJ Functions 

Extraverted Thinking

The first primary function of an ENTJ is Extraverted Thinking or Te. And this is basically their primary way of seeing or interpreting the world. They want to control and direct their external environment. They like being organized and things to make logical sense.

Introverted Intuition

The second function of the ENTJ is Introverted Intuition or Ni. This function is more internal. It helps guide them to see the big picture and make long term decisions. An ENTJ is prone to getting “gut feelings” about a situation which tend to be eerily accurate. This function is also good at predicting the future by making sense of all the external stimuli they take it. This can all lead to others calling this function mysterious or metaphysical in some way.

Extraverted Sensing

The ENTJs tertiary function is Extraverted Sensing or Si. This function essentially deals with being in tune with their environment and basically being able to sense what is going on in the physical world. They are able to interpret and sense what is going on. Some ENTJs also use this as a way to be intimidating to others in order to get their way. This isn’t exactly an natural ENTJ strength, but it is something they use and develop later in life.

Introverted Feeling

The fourth function of the ENTJ is Introverted Feeling. Now this function never really becomes a strength for an ENTJ because they like for the world to be logical and make sense. This function is constantly at conflict with their Extraverted Thinking, especially when the ENTJ is stressed. This function primarily deals with the feelings and convictions of the ENTJ. The ENTJ is a doer and wants to accomplish the goals that they set out for. Letting feelings and emotions get in the way of process can be a point of conflict for an ENTJ with under developed introverted feeling. It is something an ENTJ must work to overcome.


To understand the INTJ, the first thing that you need to know is the INTJs four main functions.

INTJ Functions

Introverted Intuition

The INTJs first primary function is Introverted Intuition or Ni.This is basically their way of perceiving the world. They have this intuitive feel of how the world works and it is very perceptive. It sees connections between things and how they are going play out. They can use this to almost predict how future events are gonna play out go. It has sort of a mystical feel to it because it can be eerily accurate of how things are going to play out to a dismay of some people that might not understand this intuition. Since its introverted, they might have a hard time explaining this to other people. While they feel it, it might be tough to explain to somebody else.

Extraverted Thinking

INTJ second function is Extraverted Thinking or Te. And this is how they want to organize the external world. INTJ is a very good in anything that involves structure, accomplishing a task,  organizing their external environment, managing people or resources or anything like that. That’s Extraverted Thinking.

Introverted Feeling

Now, their third function is Introverted Feeling or Fi. It is something that develops a little bit later in the INTJs life. It is a sort of moral compass. A sense of right and wrong. The convictions that an INTJ has. This is something that’s developed later in life and becomes stronger. It helps the INTJ understand what they believe and creates a cause for their actions.

Extraverted Sensing

And the final function of the INTJ is Extraverted Sensing or Se. This is developed a lot later in life. It never really become a strength because it goes against Introverted Intuition’s way of understanding the future and seeing how things are going to play out. Extraverted Sensing is more of a “living the moment” type of function and it’s very good at comprehending everything that is going on in the present moment. And this can be useful for accomplishing task that requires someone to force their way through to get their way a little bit. So they can use it in that sense. Also, it can come out if an INTJ is stressed. It could show up in ways that makes them do stuff to excess and not think about the future consequences of their actions.


The first thing that you need to know about INTP is their functions. They have four main functions.

INTP Functions

Introverted Thinking

First function would be Intraverted Thinking. And this basically means that they take everything internally and logically. The INTP wants everything to make sense and have sort of an internal framework on how everything works. And this will give them a better understanding of the world and their environment. This is introverted, so this is inward. So they might have a hard time expressing this to other people but it is how they see the world primarily.

Extraverted Intuition

And second is Extraverted Intuition or Ne. The INTP will use this function to examine possibilities and see situations in a multiple ways. They interpret a situation from multiple perspectives to figure out how certain people see things. It is an objective mindset that helps feed in into their intraverted thinking and helps them comprehend the world a little bit better by being objective about it.

Introverted Sensing

Third is Introverted Sensing. This is developed a little bit later in the INTPs life. But basically, it is an appreciation for having things in order, thinking about the past, reflecting, and comparing it to the present. So, for example, they could use it to think about something that they’ve done or known about and see how that compares to what they currently perceive through extraordinary intuitions. They could use this Si to filter out the current situation and see how those compare and contrast and help to shape their world view even more.

Extraverted Feeling

And their final function is Extraverted Feeling. This is the weakest function of the four and it’s developed a lot later in life. It still never becomes really strong because it contradicts their Introverted Thinking with the world. INTPs can usually shut off this extraverted feeling. But what it does is understands other people’s feelings and emotions and empathizes with them. So, as an INTP develops, they could get a better sense of how what they say would it affect people instead of just saying something in a very detached way that others might interpret as offensive.